Our Flex Client Program is an invitation only program.
It’s designed for clients who are flexible on scheduling,
and in turn we offer flexibility on our price.
40% OFF!!

WHY 40% OFF?
Whether it's a new hire getting used to our cleaning techniques or our veteran cleaning technicians, we're continuously looking for means of improving and offering support to strengthen our teams skills and knowledge.
To summarize things, you get a HUGE discount, knowing that we WANT you to call us and provide feedback.

Often, our new cleaning technicians are coming out of training and we're in need of filling their schedules.
However, we also understand unexpected bad weather, illnesses, emergencies, etc come up..
We will occasionally ask that you become the buffer in our schedule should anything arise. We may also need to move your cleaning appointment for any last minutes changes or requests.
You are the first ones we will call.

- You're laid-back, easy going, and gracious who understands that the BEST way to teach is through hands-on experience.
- Are flexible on the day or time you're scheduled for. Yes, you will know of any changes and are welcome to skip your service if it doesn't work for you.
- Understand that you may have different techs from time to time... BUT your house is clean!
- You love bragging about small business to your friends and family!
If you are all of the above….Then consider yourself a great choice!